Olga, 54 y.o., Ukraine, Kharkiv
Last visit:
Not contacted for some time Not contacted for some time
Reply rate: 44%
Main info
First name: Olga
Age: 54
Location: Ukraine, Kharkiv
Zodiac Sign: Virgo
Weight: 57kg
Height: 168cm
Eye colour: Green
Hair colour: Auburn/Red
Body type: Average
On your body there are: Freckles
Smoking Frequency: Never
Drinking Frequency: Occasionally(Socially)
Sleeping habits: Does not matter
With information:
Do you have children?:
33 y.o. boy, not living at home
30 y.o. girl, sometimes live(s) at home
Russian 5 (Fluent)
English 1(Basic)
Marital status: Divorced
Want children: Undecided
Do you agree to move ?:
I agree to move to another country
Your priorities in life:
Family, long-term relationship
Balance of mind
Spiritual growth
In my property: A house/ a cottage
Where do you live?: I rent a premise to live in
Education: Bachelor's degree
Job title: Other
What religion do you practice?: Orthodox
Age: 48 - 65
Country: Western Europe
Eye colour: Any
Hair colour: Any
Is it okay if they have children?: Yes
Body type: Any
Smokes: Occasionally
Drinks: Occasionally(Socially)
Ethnic Preference: Any

Responses to some questions

How would you describe yourself?
Нелегко описывать себя...
Веселая; люблю жизнь, люблю людей, животных. Люблю возиться с детьми.
мне очень нравится проводить время на природе.
How would you describe your ideal partner?
Спокойный, надежный, любящий, с чувством юмора, сильный.
If you knew the world was going to end in 30 days, what would you do?
Жила рядом с близкими людьми.
If you had 10 million dollars to spare, what would you do with it?
How often, and from whom do you ask advice?
Редко, иногда с друзьями.
What quality do you value most in the people of your gender?
Порядочность, честность.
What quality do you value most in the opposite sex?
Силу духа, мужественность, ум, верность, жизнелюбие.
What is the best advice that you give to your children?
Любить жизнь,поддерживать друг друга.
What has produced the biggest impression (shock) on you?
Смерть родителей.
The last books that you read?
Книжный вор. М Зусак
What are your goals now?
Найти достойного мужчину
Whom do you admire?
Целеустремленными людьми.
Do you have a lot of friends?
What qualities do you dislike most in those of your gender?
коварство, лживость
What qualities do you dislike most in the people of the opposite sex?
непорядочность, чванство
What would you like to change in yourself?
научиться плавать ))
What are your weaknesses?
What are your strengths ?
терпенье, чувство юмора
How do friends view you?
веселая, романтичная
How do acquaintances view you?
спокойная, самоуверенная
What are your favourite games?
What is your favourite food?
фрукты, овощи, рыба
What is your favourite activity or hobby?
чтение, вязание, ходить пешком
Where do you want to live?
с красивой природой
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