Smart, adventuresome, she should be able to balance good between following her own interests and quality partner time, she should share my liberal open minded ideas.
Om jorden gick under om 30 dagar, vad skulle du göra?
Using 10 days to meet some family and friends i not saw some time and then bring forward my next travel plan.
Om du hade 10 miljoner dollar att spendera, vad skulle du göra?
Change my job to freelancer, buying 2 decent basic houses on each hemisphere to live in an endless spring/summer, my Southern choice would be Ubatuba Brazil and my Northern maybe Black Sea or Mediteranian.
Hur ofta och av vem frågar du om råd?
In job sometimes colleagues or the anonymous internet, private sometimes about topics like parenting a well selected social media bubble.
Vilken egenskap värderar du högst hos människor av ditt kön?
Men do easier in trusting strangers when they need help, you can be everywhere in the world asking politely for help and get it.
Vilken egenskap värderar du högst hos människor av motsatt kön?
They often are much better in maintaining social contacts.
Vilket är det bästa rådet du skulle ge dina barn?
Always laugh over your own misery, there were always better times ahead.
Vad har orsakat det största intrycket (chock) hos dig?
There is war again in Europe.
Den senaste boken du läst?
Max Frisch - Andorra, Fyodor Dostoevsky - The Idiot, Michel Houllebeqce - Serotonine and actual i read a critical book about the German unification.
Vad är dina mål just nu?
Exploring the world a bit with my kids - like visiting Japan in the Summer 2025.
Vem beundrar du?
Passionate hard working people (like nurses, ambulance).
Har du många vänner?
In the moment i have more "people i am useful for" which makes me sad. Lost contact to some closer friends.
Vilka egenskaper tycker du sämst om hos människor av ditt kön?
Aggression, violence, seeing a competition where there is none.
Vilka egenskaper tycker du sämst om hos människor av motsatt kön?
How they mistrust each other, looking for drama among themselves.
Vad skulle du vilja förändra hos dig själv?
Being more open, better in setting boundaries.
Vilka är dina svagheter?
Vilka är dina styrkor?
Staying calm under stress, for seeing possible misunderstandings, never taking things personal, analytical problem solving.
Hur uppfattar dina vänner dig?
Forgiving, generous, positive thinking.
Vilka är dina favoritspel?
Skat, Chess, competitive video games you can play together on one screen, Bowling.
Vilka är dina favoritförfattare och poeter?
Michel Houlebeqce, Franz Kafka, Heinrich Heine.
Vilken typ av musik tycker du om?
Gothic, Ethnic folk, Goa-Psytrance, Chansons
Vilken är din favoritmat?
Asian, Indian, self cooked
Vilken är din favoritsaga?
Alexander Wolkows - a 7 book series : The sorcerer of Emerald city - > The yellow mist.
Vilka är dina favoritaktiviteter eller hobbies?
Tinkering electronics, programming micro controllers, chemical experimenting, cooking, concerts.
Vilket är ditt drömyrke?
Same as now but as freelancer.
Berätta för oss om din drömpartner.
Emotional supportive, having a good humor, curious, adventurous, likes traveling like me.
Var vill du bo?
Not sure - trying to be always in the spring.
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