Sportování, Válení se s dobrou knihou, Oběd s přáteli, Hraji si se svým zvířecím mazlíčkem, Doháním nestihlé domácí práce, Sleduji televizi nebo film, Mlsání dobrot v klídku, Mezi přáteli, V přírodě
Filmy, Muzea / umění, Klasická hudba, Pop hudba, Čtení
Ostatní koníčky a zájmy
Astrologie, psy, Rodina / děti, Zahradničení, Vaření, Kutilství, Nakupování, Sociální práce / aktivismus
Odpovědi na několik otázek
Jak byste charakterizoval sám sebe?
I wanted to be a lawyer from my childhood. I graduated from a special school, received a diploma with honors and made maximum efforts to make an amazing career, from assistant to the head of department. I am proud of my way. But I was not focused only at work, I traveled a lot, had many hobbies, long-term stable comfortable relationship. Now I clearly realize that time has come to change priorities and I would really like to try a new role in my life: a perfect wife, a good mother, and an excellent housewife. I am sure that I can cope with it very well, as I used to put my heart and soul into everything I do.
Jak byste popsal vašeho ideálního partnera?
Only for official marriage!! ! You should know that everything is fine with me in Russia, I don’t need to be saved, I live in Moscow in my own apartment, I have a prestigious job and many friends. That's why I'm looking for a person, not an opportunity. I am looking for an educated man, confident and responsible. A man who knows what he wants from this life and how to get it. A man who is able to understand the feminine nature and make compromises. A man focused on creating a strong friendly family, who intends to have children in the near future.
Jaké jsou vaše cíle nyní?
marriage and children
Mistr ctnosti
Mistr aktivity
Ukaž profily uživatelů podobného věku, kteří jsou nyní připojení