Knus met een goed boek, Bij het gezin, Helemaal niets doen, Dutje doen, Inhaalslag op huishoudelijke taken, Een cursus volgen, Een hobby beoefenen, Tv of een film kijken, Een wandeling maken, In de natuur, Bezig op de computer, Surfen op het internet, Extra werk verrichten
I am easy going, friendly, sociable, kind, generous, forgiving, good at communications. I am also compassionate, caring, giving, intimate (with the future lady), smart, intelligent, loving and I have a good sense of humor.
Hoe zou u uw ideale partner beschrijven?
Appreciative, kind, loving, caring, gentle, friendly, has good character and principles, she is honest and frank when she needs to be. She is also accommodating, intimate, passionate, likes to cuddle and snuggle, is good with children, loves and respects herself, respects me, values strong relationships and family.
Als u wist dat de wereld over 30 dagen eindigt, wat zou u doen?
Spend it with my family and love ones.
Als u 10 miljoen dollars over heeft, wat zou u ermee doen?
Give 10% to charities. Pay off bills. Then invest the rest for family.
Hoe vaak en bij wie vraagt u om advies?
I have a best friend I can turn to for advice. Until I have a lady partner, then I turn to her for advice.
Welke kwaliteiten waardeert u het meest in personen van uw geslacht?
Trust and honesty (integrity).
Welke kwaliteiten waardeert u het meest in personen van het andere geslacht?
Trust and honesty (integrity).
Wat is een recent belangrijk gebeuren in uw leven en hoe heeft het u beinvloedt?
I received my Master's degree in Communications and Networking Management, IT Security. Up to now, it was the hardest studies I have ever done. Being able to achieve this successfully and with a high grade average has shown me if I can do this, I can do even better things in the future.
Wat is het beste advies die u uw kinderen wilt geven?
Be yourself. Be honest with yourself and others. What ever you can put your mind to, you will be able to achieve (within reason).
Wat maakte de grootste indruk (schok) op u?
What Elon Musk could do with his commercial space endeavors, despite many people saying he is crazy (I don't think he is crazy, considering this and other achievements he has achieved so far. He does what others only think of doing).
Wat is uw laatst gelezen boek?
The Mote in God's Eye, Starman Jones, and all the books from my Master's degree program and books related to it in the past 2 years.
Waar streeft u naar ?
1 year goal - Meet my soulmate and get married. 2 year goal - Move to Idaho. 5 year goal - Buy a house, have kids and start a non-profit business.
Wie bewondert u?
Singer Taylor Swift. Eutepernure Elon Musk. My best friend, Jeff. My favorite US President, Abraham Lincoln. US President, J.F. Kennedy. My grandmother.
Heeft u veel vrienden?
No. I only have best friends, which are hard to come by.
Welke kwaliteiten haat u het meest bij die van uw geslacht?
Selfishness, dishonestly, indifference, disrespect and the lack of regard for fellow man (and women).
Welke kwaliteiten haat u het meest bij personen van het andere geslacht?
Indifference, laziness, disrespect, lack of kindness and compassion, lying, gossiping, not caring for others, uncleanliness and not being a lady.
Wat zou u bij uzelf willen veranderen?
Becoming more organized (and less procrastination), that is, be more productive and efficient. Also, be more prudent with money. Save and invest.
Wat zijn uw zwakheden?
Procrastination. Sometimes being lazy. Not being as productive with my time as I could be. Taking even better care of myself. Sometimes thinking of my own needs first before others.
Wat zijn uw sterke punten?
I am optimistic and positive most of the time. I compliment and give recognition to others. I am understanding and forgiving. I am resourceful and resilient (I recover quickly from bad things that happen). I am multifaceted, which means I can do many things when I put my mind to it (I don't give up). I can write well and communicate well with others. I am compassionate and reach out to others when they are in need or are harmed. I pay it forward, not expecting anything in return.
Hoe zien uw vrienden u?
As friendly and outgoing. As funny and uplifting. They see me as a good person.
Hoe zien uw kennissen u?
Same way my friends view me.
Wat zijn uw favoriet spellen?
Monopoly, Sorry, Yahtzee, Spades, bowling, tennis, all kinds of online games and home digital games (PlayStation). Black Jack and Roulette. Tag, bad mitten, ping pong, and other kinds of board games.
Wat zijn uw favoriet schrijvers en dichters?
Robert Highland and some of the other famous Science Fictions writers.
Welke soorten muziek houdt u van?
Pop, Classical, R & B, Country Western, Oldies but Goodies, Romantic songs.
Wat is uw favoriete voedsel?
Spaghetti and pizza
Wat is uw favoriete film?
Science Fiction. Star Wars, Aliens, Super 8, Starman, Breakfast Club, Ferris Bulier's Day Off, One Flew Over The Cookoo's Nest, Dances With Wolves, Never Cry Wolf, Doctor Zhivago, The Three Amigos, Space Balls, She's Out of My League, Something About Mary, Full Metal Jacket, Avatar, Titanic, and many more.
Wat is uw favoriet sprookje?
The Princess Bride
Wat is uw favoriete activiteit of hobby?
Astronomy, art, Building, fixing and upgrading computers and laptops, working on and fixing up cars or trucks.
Wat is uw droomjob?
Still working on that one. But, if I had the choice, it would be a presenter of astronomy related programs in a planetarium.
Vertel over uw droompartner.
Me and my wife! Working together, pointing in the same direction. Both of us would also have some kind of charity or way of contributing to the community and making a difference.
Waar wenst u te leven?
Up in Idaho or lower Montana, USA, near the mountains and forest.
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