Praticar desporto, Com a família, Não fazer absolutamente nada, Coçar a barriga, Fazer trabalho adicional
Atividades que eu gosto
Aeróbica, Montanhismo
Desportos que gosto de ver e/ou praticar
Bowling, Futebol americano
Formas de entretenimento que gosto
Bares/pubs, Filmes, Leitura, Navegar na web, Provas de vinhos
Respostas a algumas questões
Como se descreveria a si próprio?
I am just simple girl I have vodka in my blood 💋
Como descreveria o seu parceiro ideal?
What about my life partner. My perfect man should be handsome , smart . He has a good speech and he knows a lot and he can share his experience with a woman. The perfect man should be able to earn enough money so his family lived in prosperity and not in need.he should be generous and know how to spent money wisely. Of course the ideal man should be , an ideal man to his woman to take care of your other half to love her, support her, in a word to keep love and passion between them. Responsibility. There is nothing worse , than an irresponsible man, he is not responsible for his actions , spinning promises,to shift the blame on others. Only with responsible person you can feel comfortable and calm , like a stone wall. To tell you you true I never had responsible man in my life . I am always care about my life. But always dream about it..
Se soubesse que o mundo ia acabar dentro de 30 dias, o que faria?
Spend every moment I had with the one I Love...
Se tivesse 10 milhões de dólares para gastar, o que faria com eles?
Try to touch the lives of those I care the most about in my life and in as many ways as I family & my friends.
Quantas vezes e a quem pede conselhos?
My parents
Qual a qualidade que mais valoriza nas pessoas do sexo oposto?
Honesty, integrity, authenticity, faithfulness, trustworthiness, generosity, sense of humor.
Que evento recente se destacou na sua vida, e como o afectou?
I become an aunt and I love it.
Qual o principal conselho que vai dar aos seus filhos?
Be true to who you are and follow your heart.
Quais são os seus objectivos agora?
Find my soulmate
Tem muitos amigos?
Quais são os seus defeitos?
Quais são as suas qualidades?
Firstly I'm cool, and secondly, the first is enough ☺️
Quais os seus escritores e poetas preferidos?
Qual a sua comida preferida?
Quais os seus filmes preferidos?
Sex in the city , Pretty woman, breaking bad
Fale-nos sobre o parceiro dos seus sonhos.
Sounds simple and so difficult to find - I know. I look for my second part, my best friend, my daily life partner, my home, my Family, my future, my husband,my love, my last relation and my Lover - all in one person - maybe i`m a dreamer? .
Onde quer viver?
Where is my heart ❤️
Mestre de Virtude
Informação Real
Mestre de Actividade
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