What about my life partner. My perfect man should be handsome , smart . He has a good speech and he knows a lot and he can share his experience with a woman. The perfect man should be able to earn enough money so his family lived in prosperity and not in need.he should be generous and know how to spent money wisely. Of course the ideal man should be , an ideal man to his woman to take care of your other half to love her, support her, in a word to keep love and passion between them. Responsibility. There is nothing worse , than an irresponsible man, he is not responsible for his actions , spinning promises,to shift the blame on others. Only with responsible person you can feel comfortable and calm , like a stone wall. To tell you you true I never had responsible man in my life . I am always care about my life. But always dream about it..
Als u wist dat de wereld over 30 dagen eindigt, wat zou u doen?
Spend every moment I had with the one I Love...
Als u 10 miljoen dollars over heeft, wat zou u ermee doen?
Try to touch the lives of those I care the most about in my life and in as many ways as I could...my family & my friends.
Hoe vaak en bij wie vraagt u om advies?
My parents
Welke kwaliteiten waardeert u het meest in personen van het andere geslacht?
Honesty, integrity, authenticity, faithfulness, trustworthiness, generosity, sense of humor.
Wat is een recent belangrijk gebeuren in uw leven en hoe heeft het u beinvloedt?
I become an aunt and I love it.
Wat is het beste advies die u uw kinderen wilt geven?
Be true to who you are and follow your heart.
Waar streeft u naar ?
Find my soulmate
Heeft u veel vrienden?
Wat zijn uw zwakheden?
Wat zijn uw sterke punten?
Firstly I'm cool, and secondly, the first is enough ☺️
Wat zijn uw favoriet schrijvers en dichters?
Wat is uw favoriete voedsel?
Wat is uw favoriete film?
Sex in the city , Pretty woman, breaking bad
Vertel over uw droompartner.
Sounds simple and so difficult to find - I know. I look for my second part, my best friend, my daily life partner, my home, my Family, my future, my husband,my love, my last relation and my Lover - all in one person - maybe i`m a dreamer? .
Waar wenst u te leven?
Where is my heart ❤️
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