Gauqmebulia, 36 år., Georgien, Tbilisi
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Senaste besök:
Inte kontaktad på ett tag Inte kontaktad på ett tag
Svarsrate: 57%
Förnamn: Gauqmebulia
Ålder: 36
Plats: Georgien, Tbilisi
Stjärntecken: Jungfru
Vikt: 68kg
Längd: 170cm
Ögonfärg: Nötbrun
Hårfärg: Mörkblond
Kroppstyp: Tunn
Rökvanor: Aldrig
Dryckesvanor: Aldrig
Sovvanor: Spelar ingen roll
Med information:
Telefon verifiering
Har du barn?:
14 år. Flicka, bor hemma
Engelska 3 (Mellannivå)
Turkiska 2 (Grundläggande)
Civilstånd: Singel
Vill ha barn: Inte bestämt
Är du villig att flytta?:
Jag är villig att flytta till ett annat land
Dina prioriteringar i livet:
Familj, långsiktigt förhållande
Inre harmoni
Stabilitet, trygghet
Din inkomst: Stadig låg inkomst
Var bor du?: Egen lägenhet
Vad anser du om resekostnader: Jag går med på att betala
Utbildning: Kandidatexamen
Yrke: Polis
Vilken religion tror du på?: Ortodox
Min partner
Ålder: 36 - 56
Land: Alla
Längd: 170 - 183 cm
Ögonfärg: Alla
Hårfärg: Alla
Er det i orden at de har barn?: Ja
Kroppstyp: Alla
Röker: Aldrig
Drinkar: Aldrig
Önskad etnicitet: Alla
Hobbies och intressen
Tycker jag om trädgårdsarbete?
Jag älskar trädgårdsarbete
Tycker jag om att handla mat?
Jag älskar det
Tycker jag om andra typer av shopping?
Jag älskar det
Tycker jag om att laga mat?
Jag älskar det
Hur ofta tycker jag om att gå ut?
Två gånger i veckan
Tycker jag om att äta ute?
Jag tycker mycket om det
När det gäller TV
Väljer kulturprogram
När det gäller pengar
Jag köper bara vad jag behöver och sparar resten
Husdjur och jag:
Jag har Hundar, Har inte men tycker om Fiskar, Fåglar
Vilken typ av tv program tycker jag bäst om att titta på?
Tävlingsprogram, Filmer, Lärorikt, Action/Äventyr
Jag gillar att spendera min fritid
Besöker ett museum eller galleri, Komma ikapp med hushållssyslorna, Sysslar med min hobby, Titta på TV eller se en film, Ta en promenad, I naturen
Aktiviteter som jag tycker om
Aerobics, Fiske, Annat, Promenader, Hästridning
Sporter som jag tycker om att titta på och/eller utöva
Fotboll, Hockey
Underhållning som jag gillar
Filmer, Museum/konst, Klassisk musik, Jazzmusik, Läsning, Tv - Utbildning/nyheter, Tv-spel
Andra hobbys eller intressen
Familj/barn, trädgårdsskötsel, måla, fotografera
Svar på några frågor
Hur skulle du beskriva dig själv?
Hello,I am here to find my best friend, lover and husband. I think if we have the same goals, then everything will fall into place. It may not be easy to find love and build a relationship, but I am sure that long miles are nothing for two people who want to be together. Like many of you, I'm just looking for someone who will become my best friend and with whom I can spend the rest of my life and create a happy family and a cozy home. A person who will help me overcome all obstacles in life.
I like to watch interesting movies, I like to draw and especially flowers. Unfortunately I am not a professional artist. If you want, I can show you my paintings later.... I also like hiking in nature and going to national parks. I absolutely love doing home improvement projects in my house! I enjoy getting my hands dirty to bring the house to its maximum beauty and sometimes I even build the furniture myself. I like to try new restaurants and have good food with friends. I like theater, good shows and symphony. In my free time, I like to watch historical films and comedies. I look online for videos that teach me how to do different home improvement projects. I like challenges and learning new things. I especially like to learn new culture and history. I studied almost the entire history and culture of my country. Very old and interesting. The traditions and cuisine of my country are amazing and delicious. I love to cook and am often in the kitchen cooking and baking. This is art for me. I like to walk in nature. I also like to stay at home and watch movies. When my schedule allows, I like to be spontaneous, adventurous, romantic. I appreciate a person for his simplicity, humility, justice, how attentive and sincerely warm he is. I don't care about its external facade and material condition. Also please know that I am not rich, I have a job and I work hard. I think communication, honesty and respect are the foundations of a beautiful serious relationship as long as you have the intention to be happy. The most important thing is the truth and never lie to each other in a relationship. The main thing is to be honest. I look forward to hearing from you!
Hur skulle du beskriva din idealpartner?
My heart will be unlocked for those who give me love, tenderness and kindness. I just want to be clear. I am 35 years old. I appreciate beauty, fashion and physical attractiveness. These are important and noble attributes in themselves. We will get old though. I can't imagine using this beauty or body to keep myself. I'm not looking for a perfect man, I'm just looking for the right man. What's important to me is having a good heart. Appearance may change over the years, but a good heart remains. I believe that marriage is created by God and has a beautiful purpose. I believe that in order for a couple to fall in love with each other, they should talk regularly for at least a few minutes a day. Like in real life. Especially if you are interested in a serious relationship with a lady abroad. Love should be getting to know each other deeply, understanding the mood of your loved one at a distance and all your attention, tenderness and personality. This is love, but it must grow every day. This is how I see our relationship in the future... I hope to meet someone special who doesn't believe that distance is a barrier to true love!

I hope to find a person who knows the gravity of the world and still learns to smile. A partner with whom we can personally unite in a sweet romance and stand firm in society. I want to share my mind, thoughts and soul with you and listen to yours as well. But maybe there is someone out there who will show me a whole new way of thinking, of seeing. I hope so, and I hope we find him and fall in love with each other. To be honest, I don't have an ideal. I am looking for a simple man who will make me happy in this life, who wants to open my heart. Who is looking for his neighbor as well. I don't care how you look, whether you are fat or thin. ugly or cute The only thing that matters to me is a good heart. Appearances may change over the years, but a good heart remains. Beauty fades, but character remains. The most important thing for me is to find love.I’m looking for a kind, honest and loyal partner to build a life and a family together with. Kindness, consideration and respect is a great start, but hopefully that’s only the start.
For me a relationship is somewhat like two rowers in a rowing boat !

They have to coordinate, communicate, make compromises and so on….but if they succeed in that, they will be stronger together, than they ever might be, if they are just on their own !

In case that you are still reading here I`d like to congratulate you ;-p   !...I mean, we are in virtual reality here !...Or to express it in other words, on the most superficial places, at all.!...To many people look for perfection ( Will they find it ?..What would you Guess ;-)? ) !..and are wasting the time of those who would appreciate it to have some honest, sincere and authentic conversations, because they are looking for a relationship ( with flaws ) ! I am not interested in people whose profile looks like a whishlist ..or in people that are to lazy to answer a question sincerly and honestly ...... How could I ?....... i am looking for relationship
Om jorden gick under om 30 dagar, vad skulle du göra?
Om du hade 10 miljoner dollar att spendera, vad skulle du göra?
Hur ofta och av vem frågar du om råd?
Vilken egenskap värderar du högst hos människor av ditt kön?
Vilken egenskap värderar du högst hos människor av motsatt kön?
Vad är den senaste stora händelsen i ditt liv och hur har den påverkat dig?
Vilket är det bästa rådet du skulle ge dina barn?
Vad har orsakat det största intrycket (chock) hos dig?
Den senaste boken du läst?
Vad är dina mål just nu?
Vem beundrar du?
Har du många vänner?
Vilka egenskaper tycker du sämst om hos människor av ditt kön?
Vilka egenskaper tycker du sämst om hos människor av motsatt kön?
Vad skulle du vilja förändra hos dig själv?
Vilka är dina svagheter?
Vilka är dina styrkor?
Hur uppfattar dina vänner dig?
Hur uppfattar dina bekanta dig?
Vilka är dina favoritspel?
Vilka är dina favoritförfattare och poeter?
Vilken typ av musik tycker du om?
Vilken är din favoritmat?
Vilka är dina favoritfilmer?
Vilka är dina favoritaktiviteter eller hobbies?
Vilket är ditt drömyrke?
Berätta för oss om din drömpartner.
Var vill du bo?
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